Category Archives: watercolor

sketch book full of animals.

after a long while not being happy with my drawings i spent a sunny and productive day at berlin zoo last weekend and now my sketch book is full of animals. yeah!


sleepy pigs.


angry looking penguins with great hairstyles (southern rockhopper penguins).

various birds (1. tawny frogmouth, 2. white-headed buffalo beaver, 3. spotted dikkop).

280052b0-cbb5-4a92-b135-85087326d4d4and some more birds sitting on a branch.

and some more birds (birds are the best!).

IMG_20180429_224004_698and that’s me, drawing the piggies…


IMG_20171001_203612_599.jpgi’m ill this week. nothing too bad, just a cold. it started with my nose running (got though 100 tissues a day) and i was very weary and sleepy… but i’m very glad to be taken care of so perfectly by my favourite person!

_20171002_201407_i tried keeping up with what’s going on and the new design of my newspaper, but i didn’t get very far. now after a couple of days i’m feeling better, though still with a sore throat and a little slow in my head and easily exhausted. but i’m beginning to wonder…

_20171004_174840_well… am i?

collecting summer II.

last week i started showing my summer’s collection of things i saw on holiday (click here), here comes part II.2017_07_RAWScans4venetian pidgeons.

2017_07_RAWScans3things to find on and around vaporetti – the public transport system by boat in venice.

2017_07_RAWScans43ravens seen from the motorway back in germany.

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beautiful landscapes of abruzzo on the way from gargano to rome.


collecting summer I (beach edition).

to keep track of all those amazing things i see while travelling, i like to focus on certain topics or objects for a page or a spread. here are some of my collections from this summer:

2017_07_RAWScans28my favourite dogs from the beach & campsite at molinella, gargano. (everybody kept calling pedro, but he simply didn’t care! pedro is the best! <3)2017_07_RAWScans9the best parasols at the beach.

2017_07_RAWScans7my favourite pets around our bus… beautiful lizards at the campsite in gargano (the three visiting regularly were “the small one”, “the middle one” and “the yellow one” and then we had one very special visit by “the ancient one”).

2017_07_RAWScans182017_07_RAWScans19my favourite cactei & friends at molinella beach.


summer vacation + sketchbook = fun.

2017_07_RAWScans5is there anything better than having lots of time, a beach, sun & wind & waves… and a sketchbook on the side? we were on vacation at beautiful gargano, italy. here are some beachy impressions:

2017_07_RAWScans8molinella beach in front of our camping door, with a view of the lighthouse of vieste.

2017_07_RAWScans23the trabucco right around the corner (here is an explanation of what they are and what they are used for. all i know is that they’re used for fishing and that they look beautiful).

2017_07_RAWScans26molinella beach and the trabucco from afar.

2017_07_RAWScans17_waves & fun!

2017_07_RAWScans30haning out…


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go on, travel around! don’t forget your sketchbooks!

drawing photography.

drawing after photography is so much fun!

P1090652_after william klein.

P1090649_after william klein.

P1090654_after harf zimmermann.

both exhibitions have just ended at c/o berlin. but the next great show is coming soon, i’m looking forward to josef koudelka!

fernweh – heimweh.

i can’t believe it! i managed to finish my never-ending to-do-list, my bags are almost readily packed and when i wake up tomorrow, i will be going on holiday, yay!

to celebrate travelling, here are some impressions of my neighbourhood close by, my kiez in berlin-wedding.


P1090660_view of the tv-tower from nordufer.

P1090634_friedrich-krause-ufer aka. the “nichts”. it’s a non-place. there’s nothing to see on that side of the spree! there are just lots of functional bridges for trains & cars, the ever ongoing construction site for the s-bahn, dirt, noise, everyone here is only passing by, passing & leaving this corner as fast as possible. but there’s something magic about lingering between all those busy bridges and being a quiet observer in the middle of  these crossroads that you wouldn’t usually ever take notice of.

field trip.

P1090577anne, david & i were on a little field trip to the spacious zoo of berlin-friedrichsfelde recently. here is some proof.

P1090580-“so, where exactly do we find the penguins?” (we didn’t…)

P1090630_we arrived at the park. we saw pelicans walking around freely on the grass. we stopped and stayed right there for half an hour under the burning sun.

P1090631_aren’t they just great?! such good shapes! also the pelicans were very calm, so easy to observe for a start.

P1090639_other birds were not as easy, quickly flying around. this is my impression of a strange kind of blue dove with long hair.

P1090584_this bird was very beautiful, but too quick for the sketchbook.


P1090602_who would’ve thought ducks can be this photogenic?

19095960_1382001641854018_1300746335_ous, in front of schloss friedrichsfelde drawing the park:


in a bus to munich.

about a month ago i was in munich, travelling there by bus (8 hrs).

P1090611_here’s what i saw on the way to munich: my three lovely colleagues eva, juliane & wiebke around me on the signature blue & green seats.

P1090614_a guy eating his burger right out of the paper and our stop at mcdo (there was no alternative where the bus driver took his break).

P1090624_and on our way back: these guys in front of us (it’s a double decker bus), one is playing some strategic game on his laptop or complaining loudly about his company’s ties to north corea (wonder which company he was talking about?!). the other is talking on his phone or snorring. the window was actually covered in dead flies & bugs.

in munich itself i didn’t really dare to draw that much. i was busy working at a comicfestival. so i only drew these three pictures:

P1090616_(1) a little dog that had appeared in my dream. don’t let it fool you – it looks really cute, but it’s actually a very well-made robot meant to spy on us and collect all our information (that can be used against us). just like a smartphone, but more friendly.

P1090618_(2) this old bus i really liked in a cosy coffee break.

P1090620_(3) this strange building right next to the wiesn.

i like munich a lot. i prefer travelling by train.