magical encounters.

some of the best encounters are with animals. here’s my top 3 from this summer so far:

2017_07_RAWScans39no. 3: rose-ringed parakeets in rome. they live up in these huge and beautiful pines – especially in ostia antica. and they have very lively and loud discussions… while i was witnessing parakeets defending their big round nest against pidgeons, they let this little green feather drop down for me to catch and keep (i guess)… thanks for the gift, my little buddies!

2017_07_RAWScans33_cno. 2: lizards! little, cute, fast lizards! we had lots of them around our bus at the beach in puglia. one night we had a very special visitor though…

2017_07_RAWScans33_bdas urtier (=”the protozoan”). it was some kind of dinosaur (clearly). and it wasn’t very good at hiding (thanks for that!)…

2017_07_RAWScans33_acan you spot him in this picture?

2017_07_RAWScans32_ano. 1: by far the most magnificent encounter was this one though: we. saw. a. barn. owl!

2017_07_RAWScans32_bit flew past us three times at the shores of gargano. and it blew my mind with its presence! so majestic and beautiful! my absolute favourite memory of this summer. ❤



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