Category Archives: theater

drawing in the dark.

sometimes i try drawing in the dark. for example in theatre plays. if you’ve seen my blog entry from a couple of weeks ago these two drawings might look familiar (from a stanislaw lem-reading at staatstheater darmstadt):


most of the time drawings in a theatre look horrible, because it simply is too dark and you don’t see any lines. but it’s fun. plus these costumes were too good not to try (worn by the choir in “marat/sade” by peter weiß at deutsches theater berlin, directed by stefan pucher):p1080965

the same goes for these two styles from august strindberg’s “totentanz” (directed by daniel foerster, schauspiel frankfurt):

i also draw imprecisely at concerts sometimes. i didn’t see any lines while drawing the band friends of gas, the coloring was done later. friends of gas were the opening act for the robocop kraus at festsaal kreuzberg (i didn’t draw robocop though, too busy dancing):


kyberiade. absurd science fiction by stanislaw lem.


spontaneous poster for a reading of short stories by stanislaw lem: “kyberiade. fabeln zum kybernetischen zeitalter”.

i saw the reading at the bar of the theatre in darmstadt last weekend. it is performed by christoph bornmüller, with music by levi raphael, directed by roman schmitz.

falls ihr in der nähe von darmstadt seid, absurden humor, weltraum, wissenschaftsstreit, slapstick und dinge mit “n” mögt, schaut euch doch die lesung am 24.2. oder am 1.3. noch an! mehr information gibt es hier.