Monthly Archives: July 2017

drawing photography.

drawing after photography is so much fun!

P1090652_after william klein.

P1090649_after william klein.

P1090654_after harf zimmermann.

both exhibitions have just ended at c/o berlin. but the next great show is coming soon, i’m looking forward to josef koudelka!

fernweh – heimweh.

i can’t believe it! i managed to finish my never-ending to-do-list, my bags are almost readily packed and when i wake up tomorrow, i will be going on holiday, yay!

to celebrate travelling, here are some impressions of my neighbourhood close by, my kiez in berlin-wedding.


P1090660_view of the tv-tower from nordufer.

P1090634_friedrich-krause-ufer aka. the “nichts”. it’s a non-place. there’s nothing to see on that side of the spree! there are just lots of functional bridges for trains & cars, the ever ongoing construction site for the s-bahn, dirt, noise, everyone here is only passing by, passing & leaving this corner as fast as possible. but there’s something magic about lingering between all those busy bridges and being a quiet observer in the middle of  these crossroads that you wouldn’t usually ever take notice of.