Monthly Archives: June 2017

field trip.

P1090577anne, david & i were on a little field trip to the spacious zoo of berlin-friedrichsfelde recently. here is some proof.

P1090580-“so, where exactly do we find the penguins?” (we didn’t…)

P1090630_we arrived at the park. we saw pelicans walking around freely on the grass. we stopped and stayed right there for half an hour under the burning sun.

P1090631_aren’t they just great?! such good shapes! also the pelicans were very calm, so easy to observe for a start.

P1090639_other birds were not as easy, quickly flying around. this is my impression of a strange kind of blue dove with long hair.

P1090584_this bird was very beautiful, but too quick for the sketchbook.


P1090602_who would’ve thought ducks can be this photogenic?

19095960_1382001641854018_1300746335_ous, in front of schloss friedrichsfelde drawing the park:


in a bus to munich.

about a month ago i was in munich, travelling there by bus (8 hrs).

P1090611_here’s what i saw on the way to munich: my three lovely colleagues eva, juliane & wiebke around me on the signature blue & green seats.

P1090614_a guy eating his burger right out of the paper and our stop at mcdo (there was no alternative where the bus driver took his break).

P1090624_and on our way back: these guys in front of us (it’s a double decker bus), one is playing some strategic game on his laptop or complaining loudly about his company’s ties to north corea (wonder which company he was talking about?!). the other is talking on his phone or snorring. the window was actually covered in dead flies & bugs.

in munich itself i didn’t really dare to draw that much. i was busy working at a comicfestival. so i only drew these three pictures:

P1090616_(1) a little dog that had appeared in my dream. don’t let it fool you – it looks really cute, but it’s actually a very well-made robot meant to spy on us and collect all our information (that can be used against us). just like a smartphone, but more friendly.

P1090618_(2) this old bus i really liked in a cosy coffee break.

P1090620_(3) this strange building right next to the wiesn.

i like munich a lot. i prefer travelling by train.

very important personaalities.

aal is the german word for eel. so here is a little collection of eel related puns i had in my head and had to get out. kaalauer aalert!

parsifaalparsifaal in all his glory.

hannibaalhannibaal crossing the aalps on an aalephant (aua…).

HannibaalLecternot to be confused with this other hannibaal (ever tried tying down an eel?).

kaal marx, aalbert schweitzer, a roman generaal and i’m sure there was a famous adaalheid at some point in history.

a visit to the botanical garden.

my friend wiebke and i spent a sunday at the botanical garden in berlin recently. these are some of the things i saw there:

Gekritzel10finally a plant pretending to be some kind of flower between armies of cactei: strelitzia.

Gekritzel11just as i thought “this plant looks like an elephant’s foot”, i read its name. that’s exactly what it’s called…

Gekritzel14_hurray for quails! ❤ ❤ ❤

Gekritzel12i’m going to move in here. watch plants & quails 24/7. bye.